在这里,你可以发现贝博体彩app的一切,也可以体验到这座城市最好的一面. A visit to San Francisco not only revitalizes the spirit; it leaves you inspired and more connected to yourself and to others. It all starts here.
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Explore San Francisco's
Nob Hill
托尼·班尼特(Tony Bennett)的《我把心留在贝博体彩app》(I Left My Heart in San Francisco)中,那些爬上星星半途的小缆车正在爬诺布山, 贝博体彩app历史悠久的标志性街区.
A combination of enterprise zones, high tech, arts groups, retail, and restaurants, Mid-Market is witnessing a boom.
With its pagoda-style architecture, ornate lamp posts, 异国情调的菜单和其他独特的元素, 在这里停留,感觉更像是出国旅行,而不是在附近闲逛.
Richmond / Presidio
金门大桥的南锚, the verdant, scenic Presidio, artfully reclaimed Crissy Field, 和内战时期的Point要塞只是小镇西北角的几个景点.