Union Square
当生活变得艰难时,强者会去联合广场购物. 事实上, in a town with abundant citywide 购物, 联合广场是最著名的购物疗法的发源地.
In a town full of great 购物, 联合广场是拥有最丰富的零售疗法的社区, not to mention fine hotels, 美味的食物和绿色的户外空间,享受贝博体彩app的温和气候.
的 Gr和 Hyatt 和 Taj Campton Place 酒店就在斯托克顿街那边的广场上, along with a cluster of upscale boutiques. On the Powell Street side, Westin St. 弗朗西斯 Hotel holds pride of place.
在联合广场附近是贝博体彩app的剧院区,在那里你可以找到 Marines' Memorial 的atre, 伦 和 A.C.T.’s Toni Rembe 的ater (formerly the Geary 的ater).
Neighborhood Highlights:
Luxury Retail 购物 in Union Square
的 world's top br和s, 以及一些仅在贝博体彩app的专卖店, can be found in Union Square. 买一份你在这座城市度过的时光的纪念品,你会永远珍惜它.
Treat Yourself
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San 弗朗西斯co Neighborhoods
Union Square
当生活变得艰难时,强者会去联合广场购物. 事实上, in a town with abundant citywide 购物, 联合广场是最著名的购物疗法的发源地.
托尼·班尼特(Tony Bennett)的《我把心留在贝博体彩app》(I Left My Heart in San 弗朗西斯co)中,那些爬上星星半途的小缆车正在爬诺布山, 贝博体彩app历史悠久的标志性街区.
Marina / Pacific Heights
的 Marina's boutiques 和 restaurants attract a hip, younger crowd, 而太平洋高地的景色和富丽堂皇的住宅则会让你屏息.
San 弗朗西斯co’s Japantown is the oldest in the U.S. 从著名的和平塔到各种美食, learn about this vibrant historic neighborhood.
A neighborhood full of music history, fine dining, 和 upscale 购物, 菲尔莫尔酒店在几个街区里包罗万象,多得让人难以置信.
A combination of enterprise zones, high tech, arts groups, 零售, 和 restaurants, Mid-Market is witnessing a boom.
With its pagoda-style architecture, ornate lamp posts, exotic menus 和 other distinctive elements, 在这里停留,感觉更像是出国旅行,而不是在附近闲逛.
湾景是贝博体彩app阳光最充足的社区, home to 35,000 residents, nesting ospreys 和 some of the most urban, diverse sights 和 bites in the city.
Mission District
教会区是贝博体彩app最时髦的街区之一, packed with trend-setting boutiques, restaurants, 和更多的.
Castro / Noe Valley
Regardless of your sexual orientation, 不去世界闻名的卡斯特罗区,你的贝博体彩app之旅就不完整, one of the country's first gay Neighborhoods.
Richmond / Presidio
的 southern anchor of the Golden Gate Bridge, verdant, scenic Presidio, artfully reclaimed Crissy Field, 和内战时期的Point要塞只是小镇西北角的几个景点.