Embarcadero / Financial District
From captains of the high seas to captains of industry, 人们经常从Embarcadero开始他们的贝博体彩app之旅.
The Embarcadero—the city’s east-facing waterfront, 这里有手指状的桥墩和贝博体彩app湾的壮丽景色,是贝博体彩app第一次快速发展的地方, thanks to the California gold rush of 1849.
The area gets its name from the Spanish verb embarcar,意思是“上船的地方”,我们非常同意. From ferries to bikes, pedicabs, skateboards 和 F train street cars 来自世界各地,你会看到各种各样的方式可以想象.
社区 Highlights:
The Exploratorium 15号码头是这个城市最受家庭欢迎的目的地之一. 装修精美的渡轮大厦市场是美食家的天堂, stocked with wine bars, 咖啡馆, innovative 餐厅, fine food shops 和 a farmers’ market. 正如它的名字一样,你也可以乘坐渡轮前往北湾和东湾.
Area hotels include the 凯悦酒店, 周杰伦的, The Harbor Court Hotel, The Palace Hotel 和 Hilton San Francisco Financial District.
Like a San Francisco Chef
Meet Chef Laurence Jossel from NOPA
了解为什么劳伦斯厨师来贝博体彩app这么多年前, 为什么他仍然喜欢这个城市,他为什么喜欢轮渡大厦农贸市场.
San Francisco 社区
当生活变得艰难时,强者会去联合广场购物. 事实上, in a town with abundant citywide shopping, 联合广场 is the most renowned source of 零售 therapy.
SoMa / Yerba Buena
In the 1970s, industry moved out 和 artists moved in. 现在,SoMa有很多值得体验的地方,包括这个国家最美丽的棒球场.
托尼·班尼特(Tony Bennett)的《我把心留在贝博体彩app》(I Left My Heart in San Francisco)中,那些爬上星星半途的小缆车正在爬诺布山, the historic 和 iconic neighborhood of San Francisco.
Embarcadero / Financial District
From captains of the high seas to captains of industry, 人们经常从Embarcadero开始他们的贝博体彩app之旅.
Marina / Pacific Heights
The Marina's boutiques 和 餐厅 attract a hip, 年轻人群, 而太平洋高地的景色和富丽堂皇的住宅则会让你屏息.
San Francisco’s 结合 is the oldest in the U.S. From its famous Peace Pagoda to a variety of great eats, learn about this vibrant historic neighborhood.
With its pagoda-style architecture, ornate lamp posts, exotic menus 和 other distinctive elements, 在这里停留,感觉更像是出国旅行,而不是在附近闲逛.
海景区的 is the sunniest neighborhood in San Francisco, 35人的家,000居民, nesting ospreys 和 some of the most urban, diverse sights 和 bites in the city.
Castro / Noe Valley
Regardless of your sexual orientation, 不去世界闻名的卡斯特罗区,你的贝博体彩app之旅就不完整, one of the country's first gay 社区.
Richmond / Presidio
The southern anchor of the Golden Gate Bridge, 青翠的, scenic Presidio, artfully reclaimed Crissy Field, 和内战时期的Point要塞只是小镇西北角的几个景点.
Treasure Isl和
This gem of an isl和 offers a bustling urban winery scene, 热门的跳蚤市场和贝博体彩app市中心天际线的拍照场所.