Cultural Festivals & 你必须经历的贝博体彩app事件|贝博体彩app之旅-贝博体彩
Dancer in the Carnaval celebration
在五月的最后一个周末,盛大的游行和派对达到高潮, Carnaval draws crowds of more than 400,以庆祝贝博体彩app充满活力的拉丁美洲和加勒比社区.

Cultural Festivals & Events in San Francisco You Must Experience

参加这些不拘一格的节日和庆祝活动,为您的贝博体彩app之旅增添光彩, some of which date back more than 100 years.

Throughout San Francisco’s history, we’ve welcomed visitors across various countries, cultures, religions and identities. Some never left, 他们的传统永远丰富了我们城市的文化结构, particularly in neighborhoods such as Chinatown, the Castro, Bayview, and many more.

Today, 我们以各种各样的节日和庆祝活动来庆祝这些社区, some of which date back more than 100 years. These expressions of pride, 多样性和个性是体验贝博体彩app的最佳方式. 将这些独一无二的文化活动添加到您的下一次旅行行程中. 

Chinese New Year (February)

在一年一度的中国新年庆祝活动中,农历新年以一声巨响开始, 这是亚洲以外最大的中国文化活动之一. In Chinatown and around the city, firecrackers, 咚咚的鼓声和铙钹声可以驱散恶灵(传说如此)。. 为期一个月的庆祝活动从二月初开始,结束于圣诞节 Chinese New Year Parade表演有中国杂技演员、舞狮演员、高跷演员和一条268英尺高的金龙.

Beyond the parade, 其他中国新年活动包括花市集市, 华人社区街头集市(在游行周末举行)和美国唐人街小姐选美大赛. 在唐人街的农产品箱里,你会看到成堆的橘子或橘子,一定要挑一个. 这些水果在中国文化中象征着富足和好运.

中国新年游行是贝博体彩app最古老的文化活动之一, dating back to the 1860s, 就在加利福尼亚淘金热期间,中国移民开始抵达美国不久之后. 贝博体彩app的唐人街仍然是美国最古老、规模最大的华人社区之一. 这24个熙熙攘攘的城市街区充满了文化财富,从寺庙到茶馆. 从唐人街众多美味的餐厅之一开始你的探索是一个很好的起点.

Carnaval (May)

Carnaval isn’t just a festival; it’s a season. 从2月开始,到5月的最后一个周末,盛大的游行和派对达到高潮, Carnaval draws crowds of more than 400,以庆祝贝博体彩app充满活力的拉丁美洲和加勒比社区, 使其成为加州最大的年度多元文化活动.

San Francisco’s Latino roots are as old as the city itself. The Mission District现在是贝博体彩app拉丁裔生活的中心,1776年西班牙传教士首次在这里定居. Chileans, Peruvians, 古巴人和其他拉丁美洲和加勒比地区的移民后来加入了文化混合. 今天,这种种族多样性可以在整个特派团中体验到,从生动的 Mission Murals to the eclectic culinary scene to Mission Dolores, San Francisco’s oldest building.

Carnaval isn’t just a festival; it’s a season.

Numerous events happen throughout the Carnaval season, 但大游行将所有这些文化同时展示在令人眼花缭乱的展示上. 数百名盛装的表演者在街上随着充满活力的桑巴和萨尔萨音乐翩翩起舞, 羽毛头饰在彩虹的每一种颜色中旋转, tricked-out low-riders on parade and fiery, flavorful foods cooking up on every corner, it’s a true feast for the senses.

San Francisco Pride (June)

San Francisco has a long-standing reputation as the LGBTQ capital of the world, 在贝博体彩app骄傲节期间,这一遗产比任何时候都更加闪耀, the largest celebration of its kind in the country. Equal parts party and political movement, 骄傲节颂扬LGBTQ群体的卓越精神,以及那些为平等权利而奋斗(并将继续奋斗)的开拓者, in San Francisco and beyond.

这一切都始于1970年,当时有30人在波尔克街(Polk Street)游行,随后是一场“同性恋”活动 Golden Gate Park. Pride went by many names early on, 包括同性恋自由日和克里斯托弗街西(向纽约石墙酒店的所在地致敬), a pivotal site in gay liberation history). 但就在贝博体彩app同性恋生活的中心转移到 the Castro neighborhood, Pride caught on big and never looked back.

Today, millions gather in the Castro and Civic Center 在六月的最后一个周末,加入他们的声援,把小镇涂成红色, 紫色和彩虹旗的其他颜色(由贝博体彩app艺术家吉尔伯特·贝克于1978年创作), by the way). Music stages with headliners like Lady Gaga, dance parties, drag shows and, of course, 盛大的游行只是周末的一些亮点. LGBTQ社区的方方面面都得到了体现,还有像 Dyke March and Trans March also held during Pride weekend.

Festivals For Every Season


SF Sketchfest (January)

Is there such a thing as laughing too much? You’ll find out at SF Sketchfest这是一个为期近一个月的来自湾区及其他地区的喜剧展示活动. 从贝博体彩app有影响力的喜剧历史和充满活力的当代喜剧场景中崛起, SF Sketchfest已成为该国首屈一指的喜剧节之一. 前几年的阵容读起来就像幽默名人录:像比利·克里斯托这样的传奇人物, underground favorites like Amy Sedaris and Patton Oswalt, and the casts of shows like Saturday Night Live and Arrested Development. 活动包括单口相声、即兴表演、致敬、小组讨论、特别放映等. 


St. Patrick’s Day Parade and Festival (March)

这是西海岸最大的爱尔兰活动,庆祝爱尔兰的历史和文化, the annual San Francisco St. Patrick’s Day Parade and Festival, attracts some 100,每年有5000名狂欢者参加,是该市最受欢迎的活动之一. 围绕游行的丰富多彩的庆祝活动将通过现场表演和娱乐活动展示爱尔兰文化, arts and crafts exhibitors, food and beverage concessions, children’s rides and inflatables, and non-profits booths representing the Irish community.


贝博体彩app风景如画的街道一直是许多电影的背景,从 Bullitt to Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo. 在贝博体彩app,有很多方法可以满足你内心的电影迷,但参加 San Francisco International Film Festival (SFFILM) tops the list. The longest-running film festival in the Americas, SFFILM screens acclaimed movies from around the globe, including world premieres, arthouse discoveries, documentaries, classic films and more. sfffilm只是众多面向影迷的电影节之一.

Northern California Cherry Blossom Festival (April)

San Francisco’s Japantown 该社区是美国现存的三个日本城镇中最古老的.S. There’s no better time to visit than in April, 当糖果般粉色的樱花盛开时,以及这个社区丰富的文化. Held over two weekends, the Northern California Cherry Blossom Festival 这里有游行、传统的日本音乐和舞蹈表演、集市等等. While you’re here, spend some time exploring the top attractions in Japantown, from fragrant food markets to the iconic Peace Pagoda.

How Weird Street Faire (May)

Oddballs unite and freak flags fly at How Weird这是世界科技和平组织举办的一场艺术和创造力的庆祝活动. It’s been described as the urban cousin of Burning Man, but this freewheeling faire defies definition. 你会发现从露天艺术巷到多个音乐舞台,再到当地的食品摊贩,应有尽有, 每年都围绕着一个新的主题(过去的主题包括“迪斯科球地狱”和“和平:最后的边疆”)。. Wear your best costume – the weirder, the better.


Union Street Festival (June)

Between Pacific Heights and the Marina lies Cow Hollow, 这个社区曾经是养牛的地方,现在为大量游客和当地人提供食物. There's no bad time to take a stroll down Union Street (it is one of your best bets for dining and bar-hopping), but early June might be the best. You'll get to experience all the food, music, 以及社区提供的家庭友好活动.

Haight-Ashbury Street Fair (June)

The Summer of Love never quite ended in San Francisco’s Haight-Ashbury neighborhood, and the spirit of that summer lives on at this community-oriented street fair. Browse through 200 local vendors selling art, clothing, crafts and foods, plus live music and non-profits promoting their causes. 花点时间探索海特的维多利亚式建筑和不拘一格的独立商店, 其中很多会让你觉得自己仿佛又回到了1967年.

North Beach Festival (June)

被认为是该国最早的户外节日之一 North Beach Festival celebrates the historic North Beach这里是意大利历史悠久的街区,也是著名的垮掉一代的故乡. 节日现场包括许多古色古香的街道在该地区的中心,包括格兰特大道, Green Street, Vallejo Street and Columbus Avenue.

Fillmore Jazz Festival (July)

参观被誉为“西部哈莱姆区”的街区,参加一年一度的爵士乐历史庆典. The Fillmore's 许多音乐场所都举办了当时的传奇人物,包括艾灵顿公爵和比莉·霍利迪. 今天,你仍然可以在其中的一些地方听到表演者的表演,以及菲尔莫尔街的上下. during the Fillmore Jazz festival.

Outside Lands (August)

The San Francisco Sound, born in Haight-Ashbury and Golden Gate Park, forever changed the sonic landscape. 这一传统在美国最多样化的音乐节之一“外域”(Outside Lands)中得以延续. Hopping from stage to stage, you may catch a mellow Bon Iver set, 一场LCD音响系统的舞会或一场重金属乐队的硬摇滚表演——所有这些都在一天之内完成! 千万不要错过许多节中节的体验, 从喜剧舞台到詹姆斯·比尔德获奖厨师的美食品尝菜单. 


Folsom Street Fair (September)

Open minds are a must for the Folsom Street Fair, 世界上最大的庆祝皮革和BDSM文化的活动. 历史上是贝博体彩appLGBTQ社区的中心, 福尔索姆街(Folsom Street)是上世纪六七十年代同性恋摩托车酒吧蓬勃发展的地方. 你会看到与会者穿着最闪亮的皮革和乳胶服装,或者什么都不穿——在这个节日里,衣服是可选的.

Fleet Week (October)

你会知道这是蓝天使乐队的“舰队周”. 超过一百万人聚集在一起观看美国海军飞行表演队的飞行员表演空翻, rolls and other stunts across Bay Area skies. 还有船只游行和社区活动,向退伍军人和美国海军的现役成员致敬.S. Armed Forces. Read our recommendations for where to watch the Blue Angels around San Francisco.

Hardly Strictly Bluegrass (October)

This free festival (that’s right: no tickets needed!) in Golden Gate Park has drawn the nimblest fingers in bluegrass since 2001. But as the name suggests, it’s not just about bluegrass. Conor Oberst, 吉莉安·韦尔奇和艾米卢·哈里斯都曾出演过HSB, which is beloved for its advertising-free, non-commercial atmosphere.

Castro Street Fair (October)

由已故的哈维·米尔克创立,以抗议当地商人的歧视行为, 卡斯特罗街集市是贝博体彩app最重要(也是最丰富多彩的)LGBTQ活动之一. Rainbow flags fly and thousands of revelers take to the Castro 跳舞,享受街头小吃,购买当地商品,团结在他们的社区周围. 在你加入派对之前,这是你需要知道的关于 Castro Street Fair.

Italian Heritage Parade (October)

通常被认为是纽约市最古老的公民活动,也是美国历史最悠久的意大利裔美国人游行和社区组织, 这个庆祝活动仍然是贝博体彩app年度节日日历上的一个标志. 最初被命名为意大利互助会 Italian Heritage Parade the festivities grew to include a formal Grand Ball, 费迪南国王和伊莎贝拉王后的画像, later, just the Queen), and a city-wide celebration of heritage and culture. 你可以看到手工制作的花车,庆祝贝博体彩app湾区的商业, community groups and Italian organizations, and noted area Italian-Americans, with local high school Italian clubs and marching bands.

Litquake (October)

We San Franciscans are proud of our literary roots. 从马克·吐温到杰克·凯鲁亚克再到玛雅·安杰洛,每个人都在这里找到了灵感 City Lights Bookstore 帮助传播了五六十年代的反主流文化思想. Litquake keeps that literary flame lit, with ten days of poetry, panel discussions and author appearances across 160 venues.

Illuminate SF Festival of Light (November – January)

贝博体彩app一直是一座色彩斑斓、灯火通明的城市 Illuminate SF Festival of Light. 这个全市范围内的活动在17个社区有60多个装置, turning parks, bridges and buildings into bright, shining masterpieces.

Dan Rosenbaum Headshot
Dan Rosenbaum

Dan是贝博体彩app旅游公司的全球营销副总裁. 十多年来,贝博体彩app一直是他的家(这使他成为当地人,对吧?). On the weekends, you can find him with a cup of craft coffee in hand, a playlist of good vibes, a growing list of books to read, or out at the city's hottest new restaurant or bar.

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